Getting Started

By woocommerce-sl, posted on July 26, 2017

Automatic Installation

The code can be deployed just like other plugins. Under WordPress Plugins follow the next steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress site admin.
  2. Go to Plugins –> Add New.

  1. Choose the Upload option (near the top of the page).
  2. Click browse and select the zip file.
  3. Once you’ve selected the file click Install Now.
  4. Once the plugin is uploaded and installed choose Activate Plugin.

If the plugin is deployed under a WordPress MultiSite environment, when activated within individual blog instead Network Admin, it can be used whenever the code is active.


Manual Plugin Installation

There are a few cases when manually installing a WordPress Plugin is appropriate.

  • If you wish to control the placement and process of installing a WordPress Plugin.
  • If your server does not permit automatic installation of a WordPress Plugin.
  • The WordPress Plugin is not in the official WordPress Plugin Directory.

To manually install the plugin follow the next steps:

  1. Download the archive to your computer.
  2. Extract the Plugin files and folders to your desktop (preferable).
  3. Using your FTP program, upload the Plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins directory in your WordPress online instance.
  4. Go to Network Dashboard, access the Plugins screen and find the newly uploaded WooCommerce Software License in the list.

  1. Click Activate to enable the code.

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By woocommerce-sl, posted on July 31, 2017

Mainly all plugin options are integrated within WooCommerce Settings area.


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By woocommerce-sl, posted on July 31, 2017

The WooCommerce Software License plugin enhances WooCommerce by introducing a new Product Data type: Licence. This feature allows you to manage software licenses for both physical and digital products, including virtual and downloadable software.

Configuring the License in WooCommerce

Step 1: Enable License for a Product

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce → Products and select an existing product or create a new one.
  2. In the Product Data section, ensure Simple Product, Variable Product, Grouped, Subscription (or another applicable type) is selected.
  3. Check the following options:
    • Virtual (if the product does not require shipping).
    • Downloadable (if the product includes digital files).
    • License (to enable licensing features).

Step 2: Configure License Details

Once the Licence option is enabled, a new Licence tab appears in the left menu. Click on it to configure the following settings:

General Settings

  • Title – The software title (e.g., WooSoftwareLicence).
  • Unique ID – A unique identifier for the software used by the API (e.g., woosl).
  • Version – The software version number (e.g., 1.4.6).
  • Author – The name of the software developer or company (e.g., Nsp Code).
  • Homepage URL – The official webpage of the software.

WordPress API Details

  • WP Version Required – The minimum WordPress version needed for compatibility.
  • WP Version Tested Up To – The highest WordPress version the software has been tested on.
  • Software Last Updated – The last update date of the software.
  • WP Update Notice – Displays update notifications if applicable.

Meta Information

  • Description – A short description of the software.
  • Installation – Instructions for installing and setting up the software.
  • FAQ – Common questions and answers related to the software.
  • Screenshots – Upload links or image URLs for software previews.
  • Changelog – Notes on recent changes and updates.
  • Reviews – Customer reviews about the software.

Licensing Options

  • Group Title – The name of the license group (e.g., Licenced woosl – Single).
  • Licence Prefix – A prefix added to generated license keys (e.g., woosl).
  • Maximum Licence Keys – The total number of license keys that can be generated for the product.
  • Instances per Key – The number of times a single license key can be activated.
  • Use Predefined Keys – Choose whether to use predefined license keys instead of auto-generated ones.
  • Use Expire/Subscription – Enable if the license should expire after a set duration.

For an extended description of the license area see the Licensing Details.

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By woocommerce-sl, posted on July 31, 2017

The Licence tab include multiple fields which held product software details and license specifications.

The first section is used by API interface mainly for product update, this include the following fields

  • Software Title – The product title, can be different from the WooCommerce product main title.
  • Software Unique ID – A unique ID which allow this product to be identified through API interactions. This need to stay unchanged once the product has been published. In case of modifications, the client updater need to reflect that.
  • Software Version – Current product version.
  • Licence Expire – Set expiration data for product licence. For more details see Create expiration for license product
  • Licence Expire Units – The number of days/months/years to be set for expire parameter.
  • Licence Expire Time – Type of interval to be used for expire units days/months/years.
  • Software Author – Author details for current product.
  • Software Page URL – A Url with the page of current product.
  • WP Version Required – Minimum platform version which is required for the product to run. As default is refereed to WordPress but it can be another system.
  • WP Version Tested Up To – Platform version up to which the product has been tested.
  • Software Last Updated – The date of last update for the product.
  • WP Update nottice – A short notice regarding update.
  • Description – This include a page with the product description.
  • Installation – Details regarding product installation
  • FAQ – Frequent Answer Questions area.
  • Screenshots – A page additional images of actual product.
  • Changelog – A list with the changes of product during development process.
  • Reviews – Details upon the reviews of the products.
  • Other Notes – Additional notices which can’t be classified to other areas.
  • Screenshots – A high / low resolution banner to be used for product presentation.

The software license Group held the actual licence details:

  • Group Title – A group title which is also used on front side, within the user My Account. Should contain few words with description of licence i.e. Developer Licence, or Single Site Licence.
  • Licence Prefix – Optional prefix which will append to generated licence keys, making those easy to be identified.
  • Maximum Licence Keys – A numeric value which define the maximum number of keys which can generated. This setting is specific for downloadable products like software which include licence activation. i.e. a single site licence type may contain a single key while developer type would allow a large number of keys to be generated. To allow unlimited keys to be generated a negative value should be used e.g. -1
  • Instances per Key – A numeric value which define the number of domains / instances a key can be used. This setting is specific for downloadable products which include activation module (code example include within the package)
  • Use Predefined Keys – This allow a list of predefined keys to be used instead generated ones.
  • Predefined Keys – All predefined keys can be stored on that textarea, on a new key event call, a key will be extracted from the list.

A product can contain multiple Licence Groups, using the Add License Group Type button more groups can be created for a product. Using this functionality, multiple licence types can be allowed for clients to generate i.e. a group with a developer licence to be used on multiple domains, another group with multiple keys to be used on single domain.

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By woocommerce-sl, posted on April 20, 2023

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) law taking effect on May 25, 2018. The purpose of GDPR is to give European citizens more control over their personal and related data stored by others.

The WooCommerce Software License plugin never stores any sensitive personal information on the server side or locally using cookies.

The WooCommerce Software License creates and manages License Keys for your products. A software license key, also known as a product key or activation key, is a unique alphanumeric code used to activate and authorize the use of a particular software program. When you purchase a software program, you are typically required to enter the license key during the installation process to prove that you have a valid license to use the software. The license key is often provided with the software in a confirmation email. The license key helps software developers ensure that users are using their software legally and are not violating any copyright laws. Without a valid license key, the software program may not function properly, or its use may be limited to a trial period or certain features. Some software programs require users to periodically enter their license key to ensure that the software is still being used according to the terms of the license agreement.
The License Keys are linked to the Orders, which is a customer purchase. So in terms of GDPR compliance, a license key can be considered indirectly identifiable personal data. So you have to specify the purpose and usage of license keys:

  • Inform the user of your identity, the types of data you gather, why you collect them, how long you keep them, and which third parties you share them with (if any)
  • Allowing people to view their licensing data ( provided through My Account > Licenses )
  • Allow people to remove their license ( provided through My Account > Licenses )

To ensure GDPR compliance, you should update your network Privacy Policy, if applicable.

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