WooSoftwareLicense – Changelog


Release Date – 2024-07-18
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – d1f9a693b8ac2b08e615fb56c19cb94705ada1e9

  • WordPress 6.6 compatibility fix: undeclared function esc_sql(). Include the method within the cache dependencies.
  • Update the PluginUpdate class to version 2.1.8
  • WooCommerce 9.1.2 compatibility check and tag update.


Release Date – 2024-05-29
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 9d1164dbf30b57cefb443ab88e9fa78b754d04eb

  • New filter ‘woo_sl/max_keys/applied_order_quantity’ to help with setting up the ‘Instances per Key’ and ‘Maximum Licence Keys’
  • WooCommerce 8.9.1 compatibility check and tag update.


Release Date – 2024-05-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 57767e797db4cc592839a10864802b455b84f858

  • New feature: Add manually a license key to a specific order/customer.
  • Language files updates
  • WooCommerce 8.8.3 compatibility check and tag update


Release Date – 2024-04-29
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 6c9cd7e38965767fa9850718014a78145afdc368

  • Fix: sprintf with _n() and __() to pluralize sentence.
  • Fix: Define query_vars to avoid triggering notice, as class property uninitialized.


Release Date – 2024-02-15
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 74b6e64f9a22953fa000f3c0afaff758b6779895

  • Fix: Show the license key when using subscriptions and “Grant access to licence key when Order Completed” option is active.
  • WooCommerce 8.5.2 compatibility check and tag update.


Release Date – 2024-01-31
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – b7772c1915e25a7c8f20485f164442da2cc0af5d

  • Fix: Multiple subscriptions purchased through the same order create duplicate licensing.
  • Translations for German
  • Translations for Hebrew
  • WooCommerce 8.5.1 compatibility


Release Date – 2023-12-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 8e2121ab47f0f34cac80c966fd0bf50e62b032cc

  • Compatibility update for WooCommerce Give Products
  • Create licensing set-up when using the WooCommerce Give Products


Release Date – 2023-12-04
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3c44f0ddd8f851743bf747358bcaeb44269eadfa

  • Fix: Migrate the existing keys when using the WooCommerce Subscriptions Switch
  • Fix: Check if the order is object or ID to ensure proper usage.
  • WooCommerce 8.3.1 compatibility check and tag update.


Release Date – 2023-11-28
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 4fc026538db7fb1eb6a5122d8faefc991c043846

  • New filter woo_sl/html/licensing_details for allowing the change of the license html data outputed on order received page and order confirmation e-mail https://wpsoftwarelicense.com/documentation/woo_sl-html-licensing_details/


Release Date – 2023-11-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – d5a491842b40b77c5a523a529d7aa1a3298f4ccf

  • Add filter for order license set-up when called through WOO Store API.
  • Fix: WooCommerce Subscriptions HPOS
  • WooCommerce 8.3 compatibility check and tag update.


Release Date – 2023-11-17
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 4bf15169483f91876f1abcce9eb110e7ed1443f5

  • Fix: On code update, when first install use the current plugin version tag instead 1.


Release Date – 2023-11-09
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 38eb0ae477351dc54bbfb57d8581aa30bf706746

  • Fix: License status when using Stripe payment gateway with subscription
  • Fix: Group the items by ID when using filters within the License interface.
  • WooCommerce 8.2.2 compatibility check and tag update


Release Date – 2023-10-25
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – f20015f5ffcc679d810e0926d1e561ab229e7412

  • Compatibility implementation for the new WooCommerce HPOS orders system.
  • Migrate the licensing data for ReSubscribed Subscriptions, to avoid re-create different license keys.
  • WooCommerce 8.2.1 compatibility check and tag update.


Release Date – 2023-09-25
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 8c1cd297358b029bc2e3c63134019dbdfe30e27f

  • Use UTC timezone ( default WordPress ) when processing all internal dates and time.
  • When Order status changes, make adjustments to the license data, on WooCommerce Subscription item, if necessarily.
  • Ensure the new WooCommerce Subscription comply to the woocommerce_licensing_grant_access_after_payment setting.
  • Allow search for domain column within the Licenses Interface
  • Enhanced date select using the FlatPickr which replaced the jQuery DatePicker library.
  • New filters woo_sl/admin_options_page/form_submit and woo_sl/admin_options_page to allow customization of the plugin settings interface.
  • Return a new filed licence_expire_unix when calling the API, for expire licenses.
  • Return a new field timezone when calling the API, for expire licenses.
  • Display the Expire date-time for users, in their local time, to avoid confusion.
  • Require a domain name when calling the API activate.
  • Create a new hourly schedule to process the expired licenses.
  • New filter woo_sl/cron/schedule_interval to allow the customisation of the cron processing; the default is hourly.
  • Improved expire license notifications system.
  • Use random time for plugin update transient expire, to avoid server hammering.
  • Fix: Check if the cart is set before looping the items.
  • WooCommerce 8.1.1 compatibility check and tag.


Release Date – 2023-07-01
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 5e91aadfbaa4d1f49a4df81ae8a7358c53b43d72

  • New filter item “Not Active ( Using Expire )” within the Licences interface.
  • Fix: licence status regex update to avoid removing the subtraction char
  • Fix: Show only active licenses on “Active ( Using Expire )” selection.


Release Date – 2023-06-15
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3fc3d035cb9ec7983790c12c8a33f5fb484dd61e

  • Initialize the WOO_SL_front class through a global cariable for later usage
  • Replace the add_action with add_filter for properly usage.
  • WooCommerce 7.8 testing and compatibility tag


Release Date – 2023-04-27
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – ce5087a6519764a0805e579ce1a08be67ee9ada1

  • Use the current $output_post_type within wp_dropdown_pages to show the objects of the hierarchical items provided through the filter ‘woo_sl/admin_product/woo_custom_select/post_type’
  • Spanish translations updated.
  • Israeli translations updates
  • WooCommerce 7.6.1 compatibility check and tag.


Release Date – 2023-03-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 85c7aad5326bc9675375973dfcdda6a9a6d04d4c

  • Fix: When using WooCommerce Subscriptions along with the default WooCommerce Software License expire functionality, ensure the current order item is an actual extend or WooCommerce Subscription extend.
  • WooCommerce 7.5.1 compatibility check and tag update


Release Date – 2023-03-21
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 004b56b862e21dbaaf638098cb1970964aac4bb3

  • Some options text description adjustments for better understanding.
  • ES language file updates.
  • Fix: API get license expire details, when run PHP 8 and higher, check if the _woo_sl_licensing_expire_at is empty.


Release Date – 2023-03-09
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – cbda198694bb3c5049d1f336c76723a11792a05c

  • Update the License Extend button code, accordingly to the setting “Make available the Extend button a number of days after expire”
  • Add check if the extend is allowed and not outside of defined time.
  • Fix: Return WooCommerce interface error, if extend is not possible or not allowed.


Release Date – 2023-03-08
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – b3b699beb2916a716a3351c3a7dfcfac2527d688

  • Fix: Wrong license insert for renewals, when using WooCommerce Subscriptions with Stripe / Credit Card. That is keep within the main subscription.


Release Date – 2023-03-02
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 60bfa1c6829f17d5f175c8ac3a3f59b0baa2478e

  • Replace the current_time() with internal method to avoid issues when filtering gmt_offset not enqueued


Release Date – 2022-12-01
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 772bbe605cf01528638c01411e748ac99b1bffff

  • API: Make license keys insensitive to avoid issues when checking if specific keys, using different uppercase/lowercase, are valid/active etc.


Release Date – 2022-11-04
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 98b374bcb5235457f36dadf452359773a649b7b4

  • WordPress 6.1 cache module fix.
  • WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatibility tag update


Release Date – 2022-10-19
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 18b663ad55e76774bec8ea64d041aafa1a16de2e

  • Fix: When using the internal expire functionality, if empty expiration timestamp, then use the expired value.


Release Date – 2022-10-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c2e793e6b89db5a581552d10adad34bfcd5f0d94

  • Update the license status when using the YITH Subscriptions and a trial subscription.
  • Trigger a flush for the rewrites if plugin tag is older than, to ensure the new License Manage Interface opens.

Release Date – 2022-09-29
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 43e272aa327963b295fa95e088554bf54bf41fb5

  • When using WooCommerce Subscriptions, when subscription payment occurs, migrate the license data from the main order to the Subscription object.
  • New API filter – WOOSL/API/product_downloads/download_url
  • WooCommerce 6.9.4 compatibility tag


Release Date – 2022-09-26
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 9f8915606cac0d25f794006b5689877822f1afd7

  • New My Account – License Manage customer interface.
  • Add the licensing data to the Subscription order, when using WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • Support the WooCommerce Subscriptions Switch operation, by re-create the required licensing for the new upgraded/downgraded product.
  • The API returns an response with an error If Order contains wrong or invalid licensing data.
  • WooCommerce 6.9.4 compatibility tag update.


Release Date – 2022-08-18
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 24d729403e99e544a3f385a2dbc6a36cea019787

  • Compatibility tag for WooCommerce 6.8.0


Release Date – 2022-07-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – d10ac1f974a049b56090e399770b2be13f01adee

  • Allow Alpha characters for Version argument when calling the API


Release Date – 2022-05-26
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 2d0938902361b597a9384d386dd0b998bf96bd53

  • Update the API url with the new domain wpsoftwarelicense.com
  • WooCommerce 6.5.1 compatibility tag
  • Type fix in API response message


Release Date – 2022-05-03
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 455a0f63f6162cc4349cd316ea576b1ed67326e5

  • New filter woo_sl/cron/process_licence_expire_notifications to allow interaction with the result items, that need processed and send expire notifications
  • WooCommerce 6.4.1 compatibility tag


Release Date – 2022-04-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 1d162f68f51a5b21e1ef6ec2aac14139206b9954

  • Fix: Use product ID instead product object, within Cron, to avoid errors when original product has deleted.


Release Date – 2022-03-28
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – f7e08b4a4063a588d108eca5819f539e4c9dc6d9

  • WooCommerce 6.3.1 compatibility tag and check.
  • License Interface layout/appearance updates on Orders for easier management
  • Fix: Variations download permission expire


Release Date – 2022-03-17
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 5b71929be0f584eb06dacef675a06af8ab16f71b

  • When using the cache module, check and include if exists, the custom code from /mu-plugins/woosl-custom.php
  • New filter WOOSL/API_call/clean_machine_hash to provide a way to further filter the domain/machine_hash
  • Fix: regex filter update on License dashboard when searching by license key


Release Date – 2022-02-21
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 9c43235e07e20974c1e87feb15988600e843fe57

  • EN/ES Language files updates
  • Fix: “Use Expire/Subscription” fields visibility, when add a new license group


Release Date – 2022-02-19
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 67ef2862224c817c3d7ce4983e586907f0fce0bd

  • Fix: When activate the option “Use Cache Module for API interactions “, if there are no gaps/empty lines in the wp-config.php file ( default formatting), add the required code above the first comment, before the “if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) )”, which is the /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ ( language insensitive )


Release Date – 2022-02-09
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – a8ac90597aab79800d1c50519774443bddd500a8

  • API WOOSL/API_call/early_response replace the Deprecated WOOSL/API_call/early_return https://wpsoftwarelicense.com/documentation/woosl-api_call-early_response/
  • New API WOOSL/API_call/do_action https://wpsoftwarelicense.com/documentation/woosl-api_call-do_action/
  • New API filter WOOSL/API_call/order_item_woo_sl


Release Date – 2022-01-26
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 7e18e41b7b44b452eea5cf7f8d4edb2a7449c939

  • Compatibility check and tag with WooCommerce 6.1.1
  • Fix: Check for action process on both GET and POTS, when cache is disabled


Release Date – 2022-01-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 62d6ed0aeaaa1158bf118671e4f04e1a96c0e9d0

  • New Filter for Licenses interface – Active Orders( Using Expire ) – to output all Active Orders with licensing set-up, using either internal Expire functionality or Subscription for WooCommerce Subscriptions / YITH WooCommerce Subscription https://wpsoftwarelicense.com/manage-expire-subscription-licenses/
  • ES language file updates
  • API – implements POST / GET separate rather REQUEST


Release Date – 2021-12-18
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 4e486e10c231e5f96cabd24315d1cbd88ac4378e

  • Code improvement to add the cache module within wp-config.php, add alternative method to fallback.
  • All remote API methods should be passed through query arguments ( $_GET ).
  • Ensure key de-activation works if the key pair is not available anymore on the server side.
  • Fix: Check if API method call, if cache module is disabled.


Release Date – 2021-12-17
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – ece942f7993de0c215b25610060f9a065cc875db

  • Use separate method for remote calls on API, using init(). Internally continue to use the direct call API_call() method.
  • Fix license key delete, when called remotely, check if constant WOOSL_API/ALLOW_KEY_DELETE and if set to TRUE


Release Date – 2021-12-02
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 81c934628222cf9c500201f0d9e1c1a401e5f256

  • Code improvements & Security updates
  • Code cleanup
  • Sanitize inputs using regex for better security
  • CRON set time limit to 60 instead undefined.
  • Fix: PHP Notice, when update product with no downloadable item
  • Fix: PHP Notice, when product renewal price is not numeric value


Release Date – 2021-11-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – e525f0b2140e476e8d13415260f85264b7df70bb

  • API host update

Release Date – 2021-11-15
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 93de4abcba90af519c29ae49f1222b3fbfd8042e

  • If order status changed to refunded, failed or cancelled, set expired metadata.
  • Fix: When bulk action, order changed to processing / completed generate the license key

Release Date – 2021-11-09
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 8d2f36411595e4076bab3262c96b6a27a43e4734

  • WooCommerce 5.9 compatibility tag
  • License class update
  • Fix: number_format(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type float, string given

Release Date – 2021-11-06
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – f18c2b306733d943119f07e6af1284f66b47e1fd

  • Fix: Renew price when using decimals ( different decimal separator e.g. comma )

Release Date – 2021-11-01
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3c10d2e96106a2b7bd51f35be4c38197527fdfc5

  • Disable the domain assignment for API methods plugin-update, theme-update, plugin-information, to allow code update notices to occur.

Release Date – 2021-10-25
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – e1541029da51af92762a43a681482f0e2c265faf

  • WP Meteor compatibility
  • Code updater improvement
  • Fix: $order_id instead $post->ID on admin saved_order_meta()


Release Date – 2021-10-19
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 2fc153868fc388e1debdb2c76e04c491d7d60f48

  • Provides the possibility to disable the Extend License button and function, for expiring licenses.

Release Date – 2021-10-12
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 23fa050a0a63ee3234f64ba1d7d654a6cd5517f8

  • Temporarily switch to non-SSL API, until WordPress fix the expired DST Root CA X3 certificate affecting LetsEncrypt, causing cUrl issues https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/54207

Release Date – 2021-10-04
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 581ed985267e646073bf7115c3e56f04d0dd308e

  • YITH Subscriptions integration updates
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions integration updates
  • General Licenses Interface – Outputs subscription type if apply
  • Use wp_safe_remote_get instead wp_remote_get for updates and license check
  • Improved data output for the subscription orders within the Dashboard interfaces and customer Orders area
  • Select the exact subscription method for a product, as no, Default ( internal plugin expiration functionality ), WooCommerce Subscription, YITH Subscriptions
  • Use WordPress time instead server time for API and CRON
  • Typo fix in licence status
  • Language file software-license.po updates

Release Date – 2021-04-16
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 9274a2f6f55c8677db69ea3543e97de4ed4b27c0

  • WooCommerce Subscription compatibility update
  • Code improvements
  • New license status – Cancel – when using custom subscriptions plugins

Release Date – 2021-03-01
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3bffabf787126e94f4501a19f16aab8ca47c0c93

  • Update expire instead remove when DisableUpdateLinkOnExpire is enabled
  • Add esc_html, esc_url and esc_attr when outputs data
  • Fix access_expires format for permission


Release Date – 2021-02-24
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – a2f652d0668a505fa45cdd40cb2b97f4e4ca6c30

  • Language file update
  • Fixed is_remote_call argument variable
  • Improved security


Release Date – 2021-02-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 12d0d83741442f63858e214f88a99f01d5c6ad48

  • Allow Button Extend units translation
  • Use esc_html and esc_url when outputs the product data

Release Date – 2021-02-16
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 132f4631bd8840e838093df50bae2663e4924614

  • Fixed License View page when My Account set as homepage
  • Fixed untranslated phrases
  • New translation template he_IL

Release Date – 2021-01-27
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – fd98e7684403fda592367cbf911efdc8acfa6844

  • Update WOOSL/API_call/early_return filter to return any custom message into response property of API object

Release Date – 2021-01-19
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c795f816622c525b4481ac562b5e6d759043a056

  • Allow API to return an early response through filter WOOSL/API_call/early_return
  • Updated translation file
  • Fix: Use the global $admin_page_hooks to get the woocommerce hook which can be different for specific languages


Release Date – 2020-12-15
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – b5e4081a8d13bf2c05cd06cc610a666ff5cbb0bc

  • WooCommerce compatibility tag 4.8
  • New functionality – On License Extend, start at default date – As default when License Extend, the new interval starts at the date of extend processing. If using this option, the interval starts at the end date of the previous interval.

Release Date – 2020-12-10
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 04983da310a73c61054775848d4bae4c591ba1e0

  • Use maybe_serialize() when saving order meta
  • Fix Max Instances Per key, when using -1 to outputs Unlimited

Release Date – 2020-11-12
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – a5af9f5d4975391eec9778838c86317634c40d90

  • Disable WooCommerce Subscription filters when extending a product
  • Fixed undefined $download variable

Release Date – 2020-10-06
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3033720cbd2504244637e7f0bcf386e823d3711e

  • If using force-check updating, ignore the transient data.
  • Fix; PHP Notice: Undefined variable: _sl_groups in /home/misou/lws/www/develop/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-software-license/include/class.sl.admin.product.php on line 1013

Release Date – 2020-10-02
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 6757baed767b82dd17f27a5be263dcaeea29de24

  • Fix: Return at column_order_item_id method if the order do not contain any product

Release Date – 2020-08-19
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c3b5a4ddd71a13a1ffd207a640a127242bbb6b79

  • Send admin email to inform when predefined key list is low
  • New filters for email sent when predefined key list: woo_sl/generate_license_key/low_predefined_keys/email/trigger_if_lower, woo_sl/generate_license_key/low_predefined_keys/email/to, woo_sl/generate_license_key/low_predefined_keys/email/subject, woo_sl/generate_license_key/low_predefined_keys/email/content
  • WooCommerce 4.4 compatibility tag

Release Date – 2020-06-12
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – e5f6c3db51b90bf7289957550036a93528ea2556

  • Better explanation of extend button, depending if license being expired or still active.


Release Date – 2020-05-25
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 86be1a857bfaa94fdc6fe0abc81554e247782736

  • Allow to disable API method key_delete through WOOSL_API/DISABLE_KEY_DELETE constant

Release Date – 2020-04-08
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – df5f70cb3812a5c62e1b7fd6cab90ac315b34340

  • Change extend button label to make it easier to understand

Release Date – 2020-03-27
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 7615435f74139cbc4e28db5686f87c59d5f59e1b

  • Show the renewal orders within the admin Orders interface
  • Prevent the renewal products to include a downloadable, as only the main order includes one.
  • Fix: Get correct renewal price from original product, when variable, if there’s no field set for renew price.
  • License starts on key activate functionality


Release Date – 2020-02-10
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – b946169de97dd922d035961c973bc7d563678567

  • Fix output Licence Expire details on admin Licences interface, if the key not activated
  • API fix wrong not_activated status, to not-activated
  • Translation file updates


Release Date – 2020-01-24
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – bdb105048f7203c3890e6c3e1b58ffee40f3dc8e

  • Updated routine to check for WooCommerce being installed


Release Date – 2020-01-17
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 23d6eb54f7e9dfb31b4755b8d3e25b45c9919dea

  • Start the Expire on licence key activation instead order completed
  • Translation PO file updates

Release Date – 2020-01-08
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – e1eb0015b649e81c146ff6de26d24385d142fb6d

  • New option – Licence Extend Button after Expire

Release Date – 2020-01-03
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – af814b4a2510ac02807b74b3783d6e56a66aeea0

  • New placeholder {order_item} available for Expire and Expired email templates


Release Date – 2019-12-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – d75e7b7989f5ecb9745ad60f8819bf6bc8b48a81

  • Plugin Updater code improvements
  • Better formatting for translatable texts in e-mail templates
  • Fix: additional content for about to expire and expired e-mails
  • Fix: return template path as is if located on theme/child-theme folder


Release Date – 2019-12-19
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 568129ce37ae1c31936d71c763f6451468a8657f

  • Trigger e-mail when license expired
  • Allow custom “license expired” emails templates
  • New action woocommerce_licence_expired which trigger when license expired


Release Date – 2019-12-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 5d6f5daae15f8db18f5ae898919dfee98b749c17

  • Update translation domain for some texts
  • Update compatibility tag with latest WooComerce version
  • Load the APi through woocommerce_after_register_post_type filter instead plugins_loaded
  • Use sprintf to output the button extend link
  • Return the licence expire details when calling API ‘activate’ method
  • Fix add the required data when Use Cache options changes


Release Date – 2019-05-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – e41d659e67d4fd6b4089a167a02975acfd23b7bc

  • Fix: Disable licence key usage when subscription expire


Release Date – 2019-05-15
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3ec6a1bb845326760b0567704f30af9d8cb05324

  • Fix: Set expire for appropriate block when product is variable and one of product licence block using expire
  • Ensure retrieving the _woo_sl_expire_triggered_emails as array, as might return Null on certain systems. This prevent double expire notification


Release Date – 2019-03-05
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c82568618a4ba1ccdfd0e1eb530779f7c2887d8e

  • Allow to change the status of license from admin order interface


Release Date – 2019-02-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 4efbb034a899f462a48ab7195b48340efe28ac3b

  • WooCommerce Subscription compatibility
  • Set expire for Downloadable products when using expiring or WooCommerce Subscription


Release Date – 2019-02-01
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 2d8a93d55117ea4c814448afa532973234ab8913

  • Each order can manage individual licence data, independently from product licensing set-up: Licence Use Expire, Expire interval. Renew Price, Disable Updates, Disable API usage, Expire Notices
  • Product Licensing blocks restyle for easier management
  • API – adjust to use order item licensing data than product licensing set-up
  • New column for Licences interface – Expire
  • New action manage_woocommerce_page_sl-licences_column_ to allow new columns to be processed for Licence interface
  • Update routine to migrate to new set-up for existing products and orders


Release Date – 2019-01-09
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – fe17df328e56c56a81ca45e6dae8c05110b89331

  • Use database lock when doing cron and process_licence_expire_notifications() to avoid multiple instances run on certain servers
  • Use database lock for licence status-check method to avoid multiple API calls


Release Date – 2018-12-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – e05818a8247fa4f449389390229dad00a943f560

  • Add class button-extend for front button
  • Redirect to cart after AJAX add extend to cart
  • Missing translation for some texts
  • Show link for extend button on e-mail confirmation


Release Date – 2018-12-21
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c77573f2f8fe9f88c56252af5aa40537f659b2a7

  • Fixed renew price


Release Date – 2018-12-18
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3a4bb66e2d4ef75fddd604f3fb07eb8cdc2ad226

  • Fix: Grant access to licence on Processing, set it as Active
  • Internal core changes, specific functions rename for better description of usage, classes Loader re-structure,
  • Rely on woocommerce_order_status_changed filter to setup keys and change license status

Release Date – 2018-12-05
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 963ab4db5d40b55bfe354705a3a78d33bad3c3d3

  • Fixed extend button price when using variable product


Release Date – 2018-11-21
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c2ee41d31ba8c4710f10126a8c736e0075479ded

  • Fix: provide required parameters for get_license_key_instances()


Release Date – 2018-11-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 36af700b589b72ec99cb2082d2385c747c9990bf

  • New functionality ‘Regenerate Licensing Data’ action for Order Actions drop-down select
  • Updated translation PO file

Release Date – 2018-11-15
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 8a66a0b703f319f02d9612808a139abb695a24ec

  • API change domain to lowercase to compare with database records
  • WooCommerce 3.5.1 compatibility tag


Release Date – 2018-10-31
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 4f46e6fc48da7a42177768bbf5f6ee040946bbd6

  • Fix expiration link for downloadable products when using expire for licensing

Release Date – 2018-10-25
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 29fd2cb9d6754f1b72cb2bbc9ab2ae6492dd51ac

  • Include WOO_SL_API object within internal filters


Release Date – 2018-10-25
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – fda3c0364342aa258e59dc17f66fbef75dfeb55a

  • Include Icons for the licensed product e.g. being used by WordPress within Updates interface
  • API version 1.1
  • Implement Icons for API v1.1
  • Return default response on ‘plugins_api’ and not current plugin check


Release Date – 2018-10-04
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 05ede4f29c651cb7f7299bf905b40f4aefd7ec9b

  • Removed deprecated property $data->version in response block, when using API methods plugin_update and theme_update


Release Date – 2018-09-22
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c485b89a458c952df965fea4fec6532d814757a7

  • New filter woo_sl/generate_license_key/predefined_keys to trigger when key successfully extracted from predefined list


Release Date – 2018-08-28
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 07b66a558f86705bf50e1bac7ff78b2b89e91418

  • Fixed Software License checkout endpoint setting display


Release Date – 2018-07-23
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 115a0701540828db7a62fec5f77d3fa129e55439

  • New option – On Expire disable Updates
  • New Option – On Expire limit API interactions
  • New Option – On Expire Update Notice
  • Texts and Hint text improvements for easier understanding on front side
  • Remove any download limitation for original order when extend process completed
  • Output extend price on front side links (buttons)

Release Date – 2018-07-16
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c2ae52b0d6a047d0e859bcdfef6c142c3b87b858

  • Set custom Renewal Price which can be different than original price


Release Date – 2018-07-16
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 9a091e870e7b5877d8a317c940c2a07331e6f794

  • Restrict access to any downloadable after order expired, or the licensing status is not active
  • Updated .po language file
  • Better inform the user upon renewal orders with a heading message
  • Remove downloadable access for renew orders

Release Date – 2018-07-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 1fefe2281b45393d4d02242aa610dfa9f3ed5401

  • Do not show Order Again button if the order is an extend
  • WooCcommerce tested up to: 3.4.3

Release Date – 2018-05-20
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – aaa81aeb0e6ce72be5ee5f11e9f8d8596e850810

  • Do not trigger status-check on API server to prevent hammering

Release Date – 2018-05-18
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – f5d10555b1567124695c3e87359ce72d1b825c4a

  • Re-activate the key on site if licence is active for current domain


Release Date – 2018-05-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 80addced1630b5d34a79e3889407375cc80b1dce

  • Updated network options interface
  • Fix network key page


Release Date – 2018-05-10
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 3361ea95c5dbeda49329cf7a4d55e48bcecd4f57

  • Use order_id and order_item_id when using get_license_key_instances() method


Release Date – 2018-05-10
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 8fb80ac3555b0b6af82cebf748a3e941836e8b50

  • Fixed regex to parse wp_dropdown_pages option value


Release Date – 2018-05-07
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 4260c7ee4986d8db2590f1f0273535858a09a934

  • Updated .po language file


Release Date – 2018-05-07
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – c292bc3629febc4cac1347bb8ffa7d611ca1cccd

  • Fix: wrong keys count generator on check-out, when using all available keys https://wpsoftwarelicense.com/generate-different-number-keys-default-licensed-product-along-woocommerce-software-license/


Release Date – 2018-05-03
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – b0970465af8876a43da0734beccd86eb14775e77

  • Fix: Wrong count of generated keys


Release Date – 2018-05-03
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – b5d044406ab9fa334c75d33f23a56cb557315020

  • new filter woo_sl/admin_product/woo_custom_select/post_type to allow multiple post types to output in the drop down selection


Release Date – 2018-05-02
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 1f66edec39eab82663169074c43345473dbe291b

  • Fix: Status change will modify the licence status accordingly


Release Date – 2018-04-17
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 049232e2949836afd1218007a1ddfe5cbf49d73f

  • Removed unused constant WOO_SL_PLUGIN_SLUG


Release Date – 2018-04-06
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 97d34b48b03a4c114282cb25564649c47e8225bc

  • Add licensing for automated plugin updates
  • Rely on incoming argument when saving post data instead internal global $post to prevent issues while other codes erroneously change that piece of information


Release Date – 2018-03-28
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 76104376688c5c3a38582500dd70fb01241019e9

  • New Option – Assign domain to key on status-check method. On status-check API method call, if a key is not assigned to the domain, create an entry for it. This prevent disconnecting licensing, when migrating site instance to another domain


Release Date – 2018-03-28
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 5532a5b1b40c87a3d768798bba651b2205c8aa24

  • Migrated the Cache Module option within WooCommerce > Settings > Products > License Products
  • Add / Remove Cache Module code loader on plugin de-activate / activate


Release Date – 2018-03-13
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 269269bb89443931ad9d358a1a1460aa52ab8fab

  • Strip the domain for any slashes before use
  • Strip the internal records for domain, to avoid issues for old data not being similar with the striped domains passed through API
  • If no download permission, return an empty response instead fault upload link


Release Date – 2018-03-07
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 57e87235232411faa06f14800ca3f72e18c70e43

  • Css updates to match latest WooCommerce style


Release Date – 2018-03-07
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 1a5e24bf744cb9c10ee01d6512e2b8ed2114f3e1

  • Allow admin to change Licence Status, Licence expiration data like Start date and End date


Release Date – 2018-03-05
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 0b4f6b04f5cec2603c96c1a3421a33fbc01b6fae

  • Update API response codes


Release Date – 2018-02-28
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 0d75bf92bbb8e1ac63ad41d67164413f78e3343c

  • Add select_description_update for first option if no selection, to correctly fill in the Group, Max Keys, Instances per Key, In use Keys, at Key Generator.


Release Date – 2018-02-08
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – dcec17fbe0d44f73963142b7167581c85bab7bd3

  • MultiSite Capability when using Cache Module


Release Date – 2018-01-14
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 86cb2372e3e81e447a66df7b130bf3e90b89bfc4

  • Add textdomain for some untranslated texts


Release Date – 2017-11-27
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 171582e533aef38cbfe47a69629540997b7976c2

  • Fix: search by licence key


Release Date – 2017-11-17
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 6c50a0ef4ef04703b5b4c4831876e1a953e17c6d

  • If licence key being used for activation is already registered for current domain, return valid activation response


Release Date – 2017-11-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 916122b9e9421347e5a1c08cfb2fa968b4ebde6a

  • Removed version_compare from API to return response even if hypothetically the deployed code version is higher than API


Release Date – 2017-11-11
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – cf7ef8c1d4ae7429be9dbdd0c0500c3abe7425b3

  • Allow draft pages to be selected in drop-down


Release Date – 2017-10-06
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – da16d1e4e4c981a49a369e42bdcd99eb1785d1ca

  • Admin interface with all licences


Release Date – 2017-09-27
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 6a7fd3b97a14ce0c901a2f9f551cf691a6ebb0fc

  • API update url changed to HTTPS
  • Fixed warning : Missing argument 3 for theme_html_max_instances_per_key()


Release Date – 2017-09-19
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – d44a6205e2a50853319151a58ecf5fae85537d17

  • Fix: Retrieve correct values for text fields when output product admin area


Release Date – 2017-08-30
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 09b4695d95cbc35570ef0d6bda21d05a715a37f0

  • New filter woo_sl/admin/product_fields to allow product fields changes https://wpsoftwarelicense.com/documentation/woo_sladminproduct_fields/


Release Date – 2017-08-30
Author – Nsp Code
Hash – 9fe3b9ea8b0c38c9a1d58f5ca51195799d400d88

  • Allow dynamic counter for Predefined Keys to be used multiple times