(array) $response
(array) $args
(class) $api_object
Allow to filter the API response.
The cache module need to be off for the filter to trigger.
Example of usage
Return additional custom field on key activation.
add_filter('WOOSL/API_call/response', 'woosl_api_call_response', 10, 3);
function woosl_api_call_response( $response, $args, $api_object )
//check if the API call method is not activate
if ( $args['woo_sl_action'] != 'activate' )
return $response;
//feetch the last response in the list
reset ( $response );
$response = current( $response );
//check for specific status, if operation was sucess
if ( ! in_array( 's100', $response['status_code']) || ! in_array( 's100', $response['status_code']) )
return $response;
//retrieve the product id
$product_unique_id = isset($args['product_unique_id']) ? preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-\_ ]/", "", $args['product_unique_id'] ) : '';
$licence_key = isset($args['licence_key']) ? preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-\_\: ]/", "", $args['licence_key'] ) : '';
$product_id = $api_object->product_validation($licence_key, $product_unique_id);
//add the additional field
$additional_field = get_post_meta( $product_id, 'field_name', TRUE );
$response['new_field'] = $additional_field;
return $response;
The following example returns an additional field with the customer name.
add_filter('WOOSL/API_call/response', '_woosl_api_call_response', 10, 3);
function _woosl_api_call_response( $response, $args, $api_object )
//check if the API call method is not activate
if ( $args['woo_sl_action'] != 'status-check' )
return $response;
//feetch the last response in the list
reset ( $response );
$response_block = current( $response );
//check for specific status, if operation was sucess
if ( ! in_array( $response_block['status_code'], array ( 's203', 's205', 's215' ) ) )
return $response;
$WOO_SL_Functions = new WOO_SL_functions();
//retrieve the product id
$product_unique_id = isset($args['product_unique_id']) ? preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-\_ ]/", "", $args['product_unique_id'] ) : '';
$licence_key = isset($args['licence_key']) ? preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-\_\: ]/", "", $args['licence_key'] ) : '';
$product_id = $api_object->product_validation($licence_key, $product_unique_id);
$licence_key_data = $WOO_SL_Functions->get_licence_key_data_by_licence_key( $licence_key );
$order_data = wc_get_order( $licence_key_data->order_id );
//add the additional field
$response_block['customer_name'] = $order_data->billing_first_name . ' ' . $order_data->billing_last_name;
$response[ key ( $response ) ] = $response_block;
return $response;
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