WordPress Plugin autoupdate API integration code example

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The first part of the code consist of few constants definition which are being used later within the code.

//the url where the WooCommerce Software License plugin is being installed
define('SL_APP_API_URL',      'http://YourDomainWhereSoftwareManagement.com/index.php');

//the Software Unique ID as defined within product admin page
define('SL_PRODUCT_ID',           'APTO');

//A code variable constant is required, which is the user application code version. This will be used by API to compare against the new version on shop server.
define('SL_VERSION', '1.4.2');

$protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://";
define('SL_INSTANCE',             str_replace($protocol, "", get_bloginfo('wpurl')));

A plugin auto-update code can be inserted within the plugin, here is an example:

        class WOOSL_CodeAutoUpdate

            // URL to check for updates, this is where the index.php script goes

            public $api_url;

            private $slug;
            public $plugin;
            private $API_VERSION;

            function __construct($api_url, $slug, $plugin)
                    $this->api_url  =   $api_url;
                    $this->slug     =   $slug;
                    $this->plugin   =   $plugin;
                    //use laets available API 
                    $this->API_VERSION =   1.1;

            public function check_for_plugin_update($checked_data)
                     if ( !is_object( $checked_data ) ||  ! isset ( $checked_data->response ) )
                        return $checked_data;
                     $request_string = $this->prepare_request('plugin_update');
                     if($request_string === FALSE)
                        return $checked_data;
                     global $wp_version;
                     // Start checking for an update
                     $request_uri = $this->api_url . '?' . http_build_query( $request_string , '', '&');
                     //check if cached
                     $data  =   get_site_transient( 'my-custom-plugin-check_for_plugin_update_' . md5( $request_uri ) );
                     if  ( $data    === FALSE )
                             $data = wp_remote_get( $request_uri, array(
                                                                                'timeout'     => 20,
                                                                                'user-agent'  => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ),
                                                                                ) );
                             if(is_wp_error( $data ) || $data['response']['code'] != 200)
                                return $checked_data;
                             set_site_transient( 'my-custom-plugin-check_for_plugin_update_' . md5( $request_uri ), $data, 60 * 60 * 4 );
                     $response_block = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $data ) );
                     if(!is_array($response_block) || count($response_block) < 1)
                        return $checked_data;
                     //retrieve the last message within the $response_block
                     $response_block = $response_block[count($response_block) - 1];
                     $response  =   $this->postprocess_response( $response_block );
                     if ( $response ) 
                            //update any licensing data
                            if ( $refresh )
                                    if ( isset ( $response_block->licence_status ) )
                                        $this->licence['licence_status']    =   $response_block->licence_status;
                                    if ( isset ( $response_block->licence_expire ) )
                                        $this->licence['licence_expire']    =   $response_block->licence_expire;
                                        $this->licence['licence_expire']    =   '';
                                     WooGC_licence::update_licence_data( $this->licence );
                            if ( ! isset ( $response->new_version ) )
                                return $checked_data;
                            //check if the returned version is higher
                            if ( isset ( $response->new_version )   &&  version_compare( $response->new_version, WOOGC_VERSION, '<'  ) )
                                return $checked_data;
                            $checked_data->response[$this->plugin] = $response;
                     return $checked_data;

            public function plugins_api_call($def, $action, $args)
                     if (!is_object($args) || !isset($args->slug) || $args->slug != $this->slug)
                        return $def;
                     $request_string = $this->prepare_request($action, $args);
                     if($request_string === FALSE)
                        return new WP_Error('plugins_api_failed', __('An error occour when try to identify the pluguin.' , 'woo-global-cart') . '&lt;/p> &lt;p>&lt;a href=&quot;?&quot; onclick=&quot;document.location.reload(); return false;&quot;>'. __( 'Try again', 'woo-global-cart' ) .'&lt;/a>');;
                     global $wp_version;
                     $request_uri = $this->api_url . '?' . http_build_query( $request_string , '', '&');
                     $data = wp_remote_get( $request_uri, array(
                                                                        'timeout'     => 20,
                                                                        'user-agent'  => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ),
                                                                        ) );
                     if(is_wp_error( $data ) || $data['response']['code'] != 200)
                        return new WP_Error('plugins_api_failed', __('An Unexpected HTTP Error occurred during the API request.' , 'woo-global-cart') . '&lt;/p> &lt;p>&lt;a href=&quot;?&quot; onclick=&quot;document.location.reload(); return false;&quot;>'. __( 'Try again', 'woo-global-cart' ) .'&lt;/a>', $data->get_error_message());
                     $response_block = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $data ) );
                     if( ! is_array($response_block) || count( $response_block ) < 1 )
                        return $def;
                     //retrieve the last message within the $response_block
                     $response_block = $response_block[ count( $response_block ) - 1 ];
                     $response  =   $this->postprocess_response( $response_block );
                     if ( $response ) 
                        return $response;

            public function prepare_request($action, $args = array())
                    global $wp_version;
                    return array(
                        'woo_sl_action'         => $action,
                        'version'               => SL_VERSION,
                        'product_unique_id'     => SL_PRODUCT_ID,
                        'licence_key'           => LICENSE_KEY,
                        'domain'                => SL_INSTANCE,
                        'wp-version'            => $wp_version,
                        'api_version'           => $this->API_VERSION
            private function postprocess_response( $response_block )
                     $response = isset( $response_block->update_data ) ? $response_block->update_data : '';
                     if ( is_object( $response ) && ! empty ( $response ) )
                             //include slug and plugin data
                             $response->slug    =   $this->slug;
                             $response->plugin  =   $this->plugin;
                             //if sections are being set
                             if ( isset ( $response->sections ) )
                                $response->sections = (array)$response->sections;
                             //if banners are being set
                             if ( isset ( $response->banners ) )
                                $response->banners = (array)$response->banners;
                             //if icons being set, convert to array
                             if ( isset ( $response->icons ) )
                                $response->icons    =   (array)$response->icons;
                             return $response;
                     return FALSE;

        function WOOSL_run_updater()
                $wp_plugin_auto_update = new WOOSL_CodeAutoUpdate(SL_APP_API_URL, 'plugin-slug', 'plugin-folder/plugin-filename.php');

                // Take over the update check

                add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array(

                // Take over the Plugin info screen

                add_filter('plugins_api', array(
                ) , 10, 3);

        add_action('after_setup_theme', 'WOOSL_run_updater');

By woocommerce-sl, posted on August 1, 2017

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I’d like to change the title of the Make Sticky icon in the Manual form. I’ve been able to do it using jQuery but then the functionality doesn’t work – posts remain the same order. Any suggestions. I’d like it to say Set Fixed Position.


I think you posted this in wrong post? This is for WooCommerce Software Licence – WordPress Plugin autoupdate API integration code example


Sorry. Will find where to post. Thanks!

Alexander Gonzá

Hi !
I followed the steps but it shows an error when click in “update”: No se ha podido descomprimir el paquete. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

Other plugins I can update.

Alexander Gonzá

Ok, I understand. It works when the user is login. mmmmmm….


This is actually your WooCommerce a setting, see WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Downloadable products > Downloads require login -> ensur this is turned off (unchecked)